Bane 1, Rent (Cjb721, Playandwin_co_uk) | Bane 2, Les mis (Cjb721, Playandwin_co_uk) | Bane 3, Cats (Myevilangel, Kom og vind) |
Bane 4, Romeo and Juliet (Myevilangel, Kom og vind) | Bane 5, Hamlet (Kelto, Playtopia_com) | Bane 6, Miss Saigon (Cjb721, Playandwin_co_uk) |
Bane 7, Romeo and Juliet (Leneberg, Kom og vind) | Bane 8, Romeo and Juliet (Kelto, Playtopia_com) | Bane 9, Faust (Kelto, Playtopia_com) |
Bane 10, Waiting fr Godot (Kelto, Playtopia_com) | Bane 11, My fair lady (Kelto, Playtopia_com) | Bane 12, Cherry orchard (Kelto, Playtopia_com) |